Somatic CranioSacral Therapy

This work continues to surprise and amaze me. When we look to the body to show us the most gentle and direct path to healing, we can find relief from the fear and stress of navigating this journey seemingly on our own.

I combine CranioSacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing®, and other modalities in my work as a Licensed Massage Therapist. This work is gentle, light touch that attunes to you, your body, and your nervous system to facilitate physical unwinding, stress release, and nervous system regulation. My approach aims to deepen our sense of connection with body and self, resolve stress in the body, and restore us to a place of greater vitality and capacity.

In our first session, we’ll begin by sitting down to look over your health history and discuss your goals for our work together. Each session we’ll check back in to see what support will serve you best that day, and what kind of progress you’re seeing in your body and nervous system. 

This work offers the most value if done consistently over a period of time. I usually recommend meeting once every 1-3 weeks for a period of at least a few months in order to see significant change.

During our sessions, you will stay clothed while you lay on the massage table.

My approach of Somatic CranioSacral Massage Therapy can help support people with conditions such as:

  • Chronic pain & chronic fatigue

  • Nervous system regulation, chronic stress, & sleep challenges

  • Recovery from accidents, surgeries, injuries

  • Depression, anxiety, stress, emotional challenges held in the body

  • Chronic illness and autoimmune conditions

  • TMD/TMJ, physical bracing, tension

  • Migraines, headaches

  • Orthopedic & musculoskeletal issues

Some common results people experience during and between sessions:

  • More connected to their body

  • Less physical pain and tension

  • Less physiological anxiety & stress

  • Feeling lighter, difficult emotions resolving or easier to manage

  • Feeling more empowered, more self-trust, more self-awareness

  • Feeling more energy and less fatigue

  • Feeling more relaxed, engaged, regulated, and grounded

  • Feeling a greater sense of clarity

  • Calm & greater capacity when facing challenges in life

  • More in tune with their own needs

More on CranioSacral Therapy

I bring skills from Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST) into my work. I am trained to have very attuned palpation skills, meaning I can sense many subtle and nuanced tissues and processes within the human body with my hands.

CST is based around two principles. One is that we listen to and follow the Inner Wisdom of the Body, also coined by Doctor John Upledger as the Inner Physician. The human body knows how to heal. In sessions we support that innate healing ability. The second principle is that CST supports healthy functioning of the CranioSacral system, which is a system of fluid held around the brain and spinal cord by the dural membrane. This system stretches from the cranium to the sacrum (hence the term CranioSacral). Restrictions that exist anywhere within or connected to this system can cause less than ideal functioning. In sessions we support the release of restrictions and mobilization of healthy fluid movement.

More on Somatic Healing

Integrating Somatic Experiencing® into my work creates greater transformation and a more spacious container for clients. More and more, people are becoming familiar with the idea that stress lives in our bodies. When we center the body and nervous system, we can see holistic changes in our overall well-being and how we exist in the world. Resiliency, connection, peace, & vitality are internal body experiences that we can access and cultivate through somatic work.

Oftentimes, when something stressful happens quickly, our bodies, nervous systems, and fascia package up and store this experience somewhere within our tissues or nervous system. A very common example is a car accident. Injuries, chronic pain, and stress following a car accident can last years and be so draining for an individual to experience. Here in the now as your Somatic CranioSacral Therapist, I can help create the time, space, and support that your body did not receive at the time of the injury. This often allows the physiological stress and physical bracing patterns to gradually release, integrate, & and resolve.