Business Policies

Please take a moment to review my business policies. All new clients will be asked to sign an agreement to these policies. They are designed to help logistics run smoothly so we can focus on our work together.

Payment and Cancellations

A credit card number is required to reserve an appointment, so please have it ready when booking. The therapist will keep your card on file and will charge in the case of a late cancellation or no-show. Cash, check, or credit card are accepted forms of payment. There are no refunds. Cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice are subject to the full charge of the session, even in the case of illness or emergency. I save the time just for you and it's a loss for me if I can't fill the space.

Therapist reserves the right to reschedule sessions with clients in the case of illness or emergency.

Arriving on Time and Late Arrivals

Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your first scheduled session, and 5 minutes before subsequent scheduled sessions. This allows time to complete paperwork and prepare for the service. In the case of a late arrival, your session may be shortened in order for therapist to stay on schedule for other clients, and no refunds or discounts will be given for a shortened session. If you are running late, please call or text to let the therapist know.

Tips are not expected.

The therapist is currently unable to accept payment from an insurance company. Upon request, the therapist can provide a receipt that you can send to your insurance company or health savings account to request reimbursement.

The therapist honors client confidentiality. The therapist keeps client records secure, confidential, and protected under HIPAA. The therapist will not disclose any information about clients without written consent unless ordered by an appropriate court.

Right to Decline Treatment
The client has the right to decline treatment for any reason. The therapist has the right to decline treatment to an individual for any reason. These reasons may include disrespectful behavior or violation of the therapist’s policies.

These following behaviors are not tolerated and will result in immediate ending of a session:

  • Sexual comments or behaviors

  • Racial slurs, homophobic language, or derogatory remarks

  • Intoxication or use of illegal substances

Please keep cell phones turned off or silenced during sessions. Therapist reserves the right to end a session if cell phone usage is interrupting the work.


You will be asked to complete a health intake & informed consent form and a business policy form before your first treatment and once a year following. Please discuss any concerns with the therapist before signing.

By my signature below, I acknowledge that I received a copy of Nicole Robinson's business policies. I have read and understand the policies, and agree to comply with all provisions during this and all future visits.

Nicole Robinson is a licensed massage therapist and not a medical doctor. I understand that none of the services offered by this business and individual including CranioSacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, and Massage Therapy should be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment and that I should see a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified medical specialist for any physical or mental health concern I may have. I understand that participation in CranioSacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, or Massage Therapy includes actions or tasks which might be hazardous to the participant (named below). By signing below, I assume any risk of harm or injury, which might occur to the participant due to their participation in the event or activity. I release the business and individual named above from all liability, costs, and damages, which might arise from participation in the above named event or activity.