Words of Satisfaction and Gratitude

Below are some testimonials and messages I’ve received from clients who have been satisfied with the work we’ve done together.

I have shared these testimonials with permission and anonymously to protect my clients’ privacy.

“In addition to her deep knowledge of the body, Nicole is such a calming and spacious presence. Working with her has always been a deeply nourishing and meaningful experience that continues to play out long-after our session.”

“If you are in need of healing, whether it be physical or emotional, I would highly recommend Nicole. Nicole is an amazing healer who holds a strong, grounded, compassionate, and non-judgmental space for whatever needs to unwind in your body and mind. Each visit with Nicole, I have felt held, heard, and cared for, walking away feeling grounded and refreshed. I can't thank her enough for all the love and intention she puts into the care that she provides me and the rest of the world!

“I am really grateful to have been able to work with Nicole. Our sessions provided a safe landing to first fully accept whatever was present, listen with curiosity and expand body awareness. Nicole’s energy and space carry the essence of ‘I am whole and accepted right now’ which allowed me to deepen my connection to healing. Our consistent sessions built safety into my mind and body which became my keystone for healing. Nicole held space for me to accept me in the present moment and practice just being curious about what came up. It was a reconnection to myself that I then began to meet more and more outside of our sessions and that allowed me to reprogram thoughts and actions that were not truly serving me.”

“Transformative experience every time I go. Nicole is an extremely skilled practitioner with a deep intuition. I am a mental health therapist and Nicole is who I choose to work with to assist my mental and physical well being. It almost seems like there is a magical element to the work but it is a truly grounded experience.”

“Today I allowed myself to receive. I had a bodywork session with @themindbodyway and I have been swimming in so much openness and exploration today. I hold a lot of tension in my stomach/ribs and it causes discomfort in my back. I've never had a massage feel like therapy... until today. Nicole knew what I needed. My body and her intuition worked together and I relaxed and opened and accepted. I came home and dove deep into some self work. Nicole has found her calling. She is going to help so many people and I am so excited to see where her new path takes her.”

“Feeling so full and relaxed after receiving a bodywork session from @themindbodyway. Nicole, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the space you hold – from your healing hands, your safe & grounded energy, your full awareness, your intention, to all the love that pours through your medicine. The tears were flowing and what a beautiful reminder of how much energy is stored in the physical tissue.”

“I just wanted to let you know that I had a better night's sleep last night than I've had in a long, long time! My hips did not wake me up at all like they usually do and my iliac crest pain has receded quite a bit. I am so very thankful to you, Nicole and am thinking if I feel this good after only one session, I can't wait to see what happens next! Thank you so much.”

“I had such an incredible experience. Thank you again so much for helping to bring a new sense of awareness to my body. I've been feeling so much more mobility and ease in my back.”